Human Development and Family Sciences
Teacher and Global Leader

Prof. Bahira Trask helps the United Nations and UD students understand family challenges
Bahira Trask is a professor and chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS), and the author and editor of five books and countless academic papers, Trask has been researching gender and family related issues for over 20 years.
She’s delivered TEDx talks on changing families and the struggles of negotiating work and family life. She has served as a long-time member of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). And for the past eight years she’s travelled to 17 countries on five continents, working with the United Nations and other international agencies, to encourage the implementation of supportive policies that promote and strengthen families and simultaneously bolster economic life.
Visit UD Daily to learn more about Professor Trask and her mission to inspire others.