Human Development and Family Sciences
Research Colloquium

UDisclose: Supporting disclosure decisions among Delawareans in recovery from substance use disorders
Friday, September 20th from 3:00 – 5:00 pm, in 220 Alison Hall
Reception with refreshments immediately following the seminar
Description – People in recovery from substance use disorders often struggle with deciding whether, how, when, and to whom to share information about their substance use history and/or treatment with others. Yet, these disclosures represent an important gateway to social support, which can help recovery efforts, or stigma, which can harm recovery efforts. The UDisclose project aims to characterize disclosure experiences among people in recovery from substance use disorders, and develop an intervention to help people decide whether and how to disclose. Dr. Earnshaw will debut findings from the first phase of the UDisclose project and describe her team’s progress with intervention development.