Human Development and Family Sciences
Demystifying Critical Race Theory: Reflections from within the field of Social Sciences

Thursday, September 30, 2021
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
For this presentation, HDFS professor, Mellissa S. Gordon, seeks to discuss that Critical Race theory (CRT) is experiencing “a moment” – touching all areas of American life, including in the academy, in society, and in politics. Nonetheless, research intersecting CRT and social sciences has been met with what some have referred to as an “unacknowledged schism” between the two fields, based on the argument that the core critical commitments that characterize CRT are somehow potentially antithetical to social sciences.
As interest in CRT continues to burgeon, misconceptions regarding its intended purpose also has followed suit. This Talk sheds light on what CRT is, and is not, as well as provides a lens from which social science researchers may be able to better examine, understand, articulate, and appropriately contextualize research that involves race.
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