Human Development and Family Sciences
In the News: Jin Yao Kwan

Assistant Professor Shares Insight on How Competition Can Affect the Wellbeing
In a recent article in The Straits Times, Jin Yao Kwan, assistant professor in the College of Education and Human Development’s Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, shared insight on how competition can affect wellbeing. Kwan participated in a panel discussion on post-pandemic life satisfaction at the Singapore Perspectives 2024 online forum. He shared that, although he appreciates his education as a big part of his success, he had to unlearn some of the notions of competition that he learned in school.
“It is not easy to unlearn decades of trying to compete and be better than someone else . . . but I think a big part of it for individuals would be to have these conversations among themselves,” Kwan said. “These conversations can shape the way we approach life, and how we pass on certain values and principles to our children if we do choose to start a family.”
Click here to read the full article.