Human Development and Family Sciences
Race and Culture: Exploring the Last 100 Years of Research on Black Families

Exploring the Last 100 Years of Research on Black Families
Please join us on Wednesday, November 2nd at 1:00 p.m. to hear Chrishana M. Lloyd present how family science and scholars from other disciplines have been conducting research on and about Black families for over 100 years. This presentation will utilize a historical lens and racial equity framing to provide a decade-by-decade overview of research on Black families starting from 1920 and ending in 2020. Key themes, identification of areas of in-depth and limited knowledge, and suggestions for additional questions and methods for future research will be shared.
Chrishana M. Lloyd, Ph.D., is a Research Scholar in the Early Childhood Development area at Child Trends. With over twenty years of experience in the social science and education fields, Dr. Lloyd is an expert in community-based implementation research, innovative data collection strategies, and early care and education and human service program initiatives. She has led numerous federal and privately funded research projects and believes strongly in research-community partnerships and collaboration.
Please join us in-person, 220 Alison Hall or virtually.