Human Development and Family Sciences

Graduate Research
Graduate students conduct research in a variety of areas related to human development and family sciences. Recent examples of completed research projects are listed below.
Identifying and Exploring Profiles of Home-Based Child Care Providers: A Mixed Methods Study of Licensed and Unlicensed Providers
By Hooper, Alison
2017, Dr. Rena Hallam (Advisor)
The Analysis of the Family Goal Setting Process in One Early head Start Program From the Perspectives of Family Service Providers and Parents
By Buzcu, Sevil
2016, Dr. Cynthia Paris (Advisor)
A Qualitative Exploration of Middle Childhood Sibling Relationship Within the Context of Intimate Partner Violence
By Waninger, Kendra
2016, Dr. Ruth Fleury-Steiner (Advisor)
Parent, Peer, and Sibling Relationship Factors and Depression in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
By Finan, Laura
2016, Dr. Mellissa Gordon & Dr. Christine Ohannessian (Advisors)
The Role of Bhutanese Adolescent Refugee’ Acculturation and Familial Social Capital on Their General Well-Being and School Adjustment
By Moinolmolki, Neda
2016, Dr. Myae Han (Advisor)
Social media use and depression in emerging adults: The moderating effect of parental support
By Schulz, Jessica L.
2015, Dr. Mellissa Gordon and Dr. Christine Ohannessian (Advisors)
Religious Development From Adolescence to Early Adulthood: The Effects of Parental Religiousness and Relationship Quality
By Hull Jr., James
2015, Dr. Rob Palkovitz (Advisor)
Creating supportive LGBTQ spaces: Finding new constructs of families and communities in the virtual world
By McConatha, Melina
2015, Dr. Bahira Sherif Trask (Advisor)
Same-Sex Marriage Policies and Lesbian Family Life
By DiGregorio, Nikki (Shown above receiving the 2015 HDFS Sussman Award)
2014, Dr. Bahira Sherif Trask (Advisor)
Does Adolescent Self-Competence Mediate the Relationship Between Parental Problem Drinking and Adolescent Alcohol Use?
By Williams, Kelsey
2014, Dr. Christine Ohannessian (Advisor)
Exploring the Relationship between Global Quality and Child Engagement in Toddler Child Care Classrooms
By Hooper, Alison
2013, Dr. Rena Hallam (Advisor)
An Examination of Openness in International Adoption
By Willis Hepp, Bethany
2013, Dr. Bahira Sherif Trask (Advisor)
A Qualitative Exploration of How Quaker Families Transmit and Practice Values Related to Political Violence and Peace
by Thompson Brady, Laura
2013, Dr. Ruth Fleury-Steiner (Advisor)
Standing Together and Finding a Voice Apart: The Lived Experience and Process of Intellectual Disability Rights Advocacy From the Perspective of Advocates with Varying Relationships to Disabilities
by Rich, Amanda J.
2012, Steven M. Eidelman (Advisor)
Caregiving of Aging Adults and Adults with Disabilities: Theoretical Foundations and Policy Alternatives
by Doneker, Karen Lee
2012, Dr. Barbara H. Settles (Advisor)
Social and Environmental Correlates of Delaware Children’s Physical Activity and Risk of Obesity
by Zhao, Jia
2012, Dr. Barbara H. Settles (Advisor)
You blind? What, you can’t see that?: The impact of colorblind attitudes on young adults’ activist behavior against racial injustice and racism in America
By Daughtry, Kendell
2017, Dr. Rob Palkovitz (Advisor)
An Examination of Outcomes on Adolescents and Youth in the Creative Mentoring Program
By Price, Margo
2016, Dr. Mellissa Gordon (Advisor)
Using Mosaic Approach to Inform Action Research: Implementation of Playscape Features in an Urban Family Child Care Program
By Skrobot, Christine
2016, Dr. Jennifer Gallo-Fox (Advisor)
Understanding the academic achievement gap: An exploration of the role of parental educational aspirations, adolescent aspirations, and parental immigration status
By Bah, Fatoumata Binta
2016, Dr. Barbara Settles (Advisor)
Self-efficacy and transformed practice in family child care
By Cortes, Jennifer
2016, Dr. Cynthia Paris (Advisor)
Waiting for the New Normal: A Case Study of Military Family Support Processes in the State of Delaware
By Salzbrenner, Tamara
2016, Dr. Barbara Settles (Advisor)
How does social support and health care policy influence the overall well-being of a family caregiver for persons with chronic illnesses and the elderly?
By Muniz, Roberto Jose
2015, Dr. Rob Palkovitz (Advisor)
Intimate Partner Violence and Maternal Incarceration as Cumulative Risk for Development of Child Behavior Problems
By Ellis, Leigh
2015, Dr. Jennifer Carrano (Advisor)
Social and Emotional Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
By Linick, Ashley
2017, Dr. Cynthia Paris (Advisor)
Professional Development Aimed at Supporting Developmentally Appropriate Play Behavior in Early Childhood Programs
By Booker, Garnett
2016, Dr. Martha Buell (Advisor)
The Art of Leadership: Leading Early Childhood Organizations Professional Development for Early Childhood Administrators
By Hylton, Nicole R.
2016, Dr. Jennifer Vu (Advisor)