Human Development and Family Sciences

Student Teaching Experience
Student teaching is the final field experience where students have the opportunity to apply and to continually adapt, revise and revisit all they have learned about children’s development, learning and teaching within school and community settings. The primary goal of the student teaching experience is to provide teacher education candidates with the opportunity to be reflective practitioners serving diverse communities who assume, integrate, develop and refine three related critical professional roles: scholar, problem solver, and partner. Students are assigned student teaching placements through the Office of Clinical Studies and should not seek placements on their own. Upon meeting the entry into student teaching requirements and mastering all required coursework, teacher candidates in ECE will complete two 12-week, full-time student teaching placements. Students will complete placements:
- in at least one special education or inclusive setting.
- in a public school setting.
- at the UD Children’s Campus or an international school.
- with two different age groups.
Student Resources
To be eligible for student teaching, students must meet certain academic requirements and have necessary clearances completed. In addition to the Clinical Studies requirements, ECE majors must earn a minimum 2.5 overall grade point average and 2.75 major grade point average.