Human Development and Family Sciences

Undergraduate Research Opportunities
There are many opportunities for research by working informally with faculty on their research and/or through University of Delaware programs. Some of these programs offer opportunities or funding for student research.

Undergraduate Research Program
The Undergraduate Research Program is open to all undergraduates. Undergraduate researchers are typically sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students research a field or specialty on which they want to focus their courses and careers; others are already making their own original contributions to their chosen fields. Students who hold college work-study grants may earn their grant money doing research. In the summers, a salary or stipend is often possible. The program provides information about research opportunities, connecting with faculty advisors, publication opportunities.

Steele Symposium
The College of Education and Human Development hosts the Steele Symposium, an annual interdisciplinary, scholarly conference named after a distinguished alumna of UD, Marion H. Steele (‘28), a longtime editor of the Journal of Home Economics. The symposium provides students with an opportunity to present their research in a professional setting. Awards are available for outstanding poster and paper presentations.

Honors Program
Early Childhood Education and Human Services students can earn a Degree with Distinction and the Honors Degree with Distinction through the Honors Program. These offer talented and dedicated students the opportunity to pursue their academic interests in greater depth than is required for the regular bachelor’s degree with the addition of a senior research thesis.

McNair Scholars Program
One of eight federally funded TRIO Programs, the Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program (the McNair Scholars Program) offers effective preparation for doctoral study to low-income, first-generation college students and students from groups underrepresented in graduate education. McNair Scholars participate in extensive undergraduate research internships in their field of interest.

Summer Scholars
Through the Summer Scholars program, undergraduate students get support to do in-depth research with faculty during summer session. Summer Scholars receive a stipend to support full-time work on their projects for ten weeks in the summer, work which is continued in the following academic year with three credits of research.